Sex therapy is similar to psychotherapy and counseling as a process. It involves conducting a thorough initial assessment where I gather information about key areas including family/relational history, physical health history, mental health history, current functioning and concerns, alcohol and substance use, etc. In the sex therapy context the initial assessment will also include obtaining a thorough sexual history. This includes gathering information about your sexual and sexual identity development and experiences over time. Some things we cover are identifying and understanding the impact of the messages you received growing up regarding sensuality, sexuality and sex. Also, we examine any key events that may have impacted your sense of self as a sexual person. Sometimes there are psychological, emotional and relational issues that are related to your thoughts and feelings about sex, so we will discuss those together. Once we have identified more thoroughly your main concerns and the factors contributing to them we will develop a clear plan for treatment. In the course of treatment I may, at times, assign exercises to be completed outside of therapy which might be individual or may include a partner and you will return and share with me how the exercises went.
It is important to be clear that sex therapy does not include physical touch between me as a therapist and you as the client. As is the case with therapy generally it is of utmost importance to create a respectful, safe, comfortable, and collaborative space for us to work.
Sex therapy is therapy that focuses specifically on sexual concerns. In my practice I work with men, women, individuals and couples addressing sexual and relational concerns. Some of the sex therapy issues I treat individually and with couples include:
Orange County Psychologist
4425 Jamboree Road, Suite 270, Newport Beach CA 92660 - Telephone 949-698-0590
These issues can arise as a result of a variety of factors e.g., depression, stress, anxiety, trauma, physical health concerns, hormonal changes, aging, social/cultural factors, or medications. In our work together we will explore the factors that may be contributing to the concerns you are experiencing and will develop a treatment plan to address those factors.
I have been working in sex therapy, sexuality education and sexuality research for over 15 years. I have completed over 125 hours of education and training specifically to become certified as a sex therapist. I am a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Sexology. My doctoral research specifically involved an examination of women’s sexuality and sexual identity. I regularly consult with other mental health and medical professionals who are working with patients dealing with sexuality and sexual health issues
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